Webinars on VDA Standards for China

VDA QMC China launched newly for you - our customers and automotive experts - webinar on important VDA Standards.


1.New webinar’s on VDA Standards
Webinar includes a video introducing and an overview on key content of each VDA standard. You can learn from our experts about each VDA standard. The webinar will not replace our training classes. You will not get a VDA QMC certificate or attendance record. After purchased the webinar training (see 2), you will get access to a recorded training class online and can download it. In addition VDA QMC China will send you our VDA Standard as ring-binded training material. 

Following webinars are available for now:

IDTopicPrice (RMB)
867VDA 6.8 Supply Chain Process Audit Webinar   NEW¥800/person
868VDA 6.4 QM System Audit-Production equipment Webinar¥800/person
869VDA 6.2 QM System Audit-Services Webinar¥400/person

VDA 6 Certification Requirements for 

VDA 6.1, VDA 6.2 and VDA 6.4 Webinar

871Product Compliance (PCS) Webinar¥350/person
872VDA 1 Documented Information and Retention Webinar¥400/person

Automotive SPICE® Guideline (V2.0) Webinar

874Customer specific requirement (CSR) Webinar¥700/person
875Special Characteristics (SC) Webinar¥600/person
876Agile Collaboration Webinar¥600/person
877Electrical Overstress (EOS) Webinar¥500/person

8D+Standardized Process for

Handling Customer Complaints Webinar

879VDA 16 Webinar¥600/person
881VDA 6.X (VDA 6, VDA 6.1, VDA 6.2, VDA 6.4)  Webinar¥5,200/person
882Robust Production Process (RPP) Webinar¥700/person
883VDA 6.7 Process Audit - Production Equipment Webinar¥600/person

Field Failure Analysis & Audit Standard Overvie

 (FFA) Webinar

885VDA 4 Package (VDA 4.1 to 4.4) Webinar¥1,200/person
886VDA Standards Overview Webinar¥20,200/person
887VDA Redbook Standards Overview Webinar¥10,200/person
889PI (PSCR) Webinar¥900/person

VDA 2 Quality Assurance for Supplies

 – Production process and product approval (PPA) Webinar


Maturity Level Assurance (MLA) 

for New Parts Product creation Webinar


VDA 5 Measurement and inspection processes

& VDA 5 Practical Guide Webinar

894VDA 19.X (VDA 19.1 & VDA 19.2) Webinar¥2,300/person

(CE) Guidelines on analyzing possible scenarios and risks

when using consumer electronics components in vehicles


896VDA 19.2 Webinar¥1,400/person
897VDA 19.1 Webinar¥1,400/person
VDA Lessons Learned Webinar¥600/person

Remark: do you miss some important VDA standards? Please let us know:

More webinars are planned for the future.

2. HOW to purchased and register our new VDA Standards webinars?

Pls click HERE to enter into our ITMT system for registration.

If you are not familiar with the system, pls click HERE to receive our manual.

Q&A Contact

Any questions, feel free to let us know:

Tel.: +86-10-65900067

E-mail: booksales@vdachina.com.cn