On 6 Dec .2023,the 8th Product Integrity Day (PI-Day) China was successfully closed in Shanghai. The conference was synchronized with the European live broadcast, 146 participants from government, industry associations, OEMs and suppliers attended the conference. more details pls click HERE.
Target Audience
Product Safety & Conformity Representatives (PSCR) from concept phase, R+D phase, production phase, and after sales
Managers responsible for Product Safety and Conformity
R+D responsible for Homologation and Safety
Responsible Managers and Team Leaders for production to assure safety and product conformity
Responsible Managers from Purchasing, who have to assure fulfillment of PSCR and legal (compliance) requirements along the supply chain
Managers and leaders of legal department responsible for technical (product) compliance
QM-system and Technical Compliance Management System responsible
After-sales/market and customer complain responsible
Recall and governmental relation responsible
Top Management responsible to assure technical compliance and safe products in the market
and all other experts involved in product compliance and Product Safety issues.
Conference Ticket: RMB 1,000/person
Members discount: RMB 800/person
Special discount for participants of previous PI-Day China & PI trainees of VDA QMC China:¥500/person (For email invited guests only)
Welcome to scan following QR Code to see the photo moments of this year